There’s just something about Sapphires. Perhaps it’s the adoration the stone has received since the beginning of time, or its connotations with the Royal Family? Historical stories about sapphires go back as far as 12th Century BC , when according to legend, Helen of Troy owned a large star sapphire, which was believed to hold the key to her desirability.
Sapphires figure prominently in numerous beliefs and traditions, both past and present. For centuries, sapphires have been used for alchemy, magic, healing rituals, and astrological prognostication.
During the period of 400-100 B.C, when gemstones were associated with specific deities or occult powers, sapphires were routinely inscribed with the head of Jupiter (Zeus), the god of the sky. During this same period, Arabian kings were known to wear sapphires to protect themselves from envy and physical injury. Early sailors believed that sapphires would protect them from drowning at sea.
In Medieval times, the sapphire was used as a test for infidelity; it was thought to change color if worn by the unfaithful. The sapphire also has ancient religious associations – with Persians believing the Earth balanced on a huge sapphire and Buddhists believing in the calming influence of the stone – facilitating their devotion to prayer and meditation.
The stone is associated with chastity, piety, and repentance and if worn, ingested, or otherwise applied to the body, have long been credited with an ability to heal numerous medical and mental conditions.
Perhaps it’s for all of the reasons above that I adore the pictured Fission Cluster Cushion Sapphire. More than likely, however, it’s something much more simple, the incredible stone, set within a circle of brilliant cut diamonds – healing powers or no healing powers, there’s no doubt this ring will make you feel pretty damn good.